Friendship Helps Confidence Bloom with Erica and Harlow

Erica Ramthun, the 2025 Central Minnesota Big Sister of the Year and her Little Sister, Harlow

When Erica Ramthun joined Big Brothers Big Sisters in 2017, she was hoping to have the opportunity to create a relationship with a child that would help them both grow into better people. 

Fast forward more than seven years, and Erica’s match with her Little Sister, Harlow, has exceeded both of their expectations. Both Harlow and Erica have grown together both in their friendship and as people, and Erica is the 2025 Central Minnesota Big Sister of the Year. She now moves on to the national competition, and the national mentors of the year will be announced in June at the BBBSA conference in Philadelphia. 

Harlow was nine when she and Erica first met in 2017, and still adjusting to a new home life, making friends, and trying new things. She was nervous, and slow to warm up to new people. Harlow’s grandma, Kim, remembers being nervous when they were first introduced to Erica, but she soon realized how important their relationship was – and how Erica was helping Harlow grow. 

In their seven years as a match, Harlow has grown from a shy nine-year-old to a confident 16-year-old with a car and a part-time job, and Erica has been beside her every step of the way. She was there for Harlow during COVID when Harlow couldn’t see her friends and was trying to navigate school via Zoom. She helped Harlow gain the confidence to get back into swimming at her school and cheered her on at meets. Erica was also there to support Harlow as she signed up for three different weeks at the YMCA’s Camp Olson. Harlow didn’t know anyone else going to the camp, but came back with new friends and the confidence to sign up for a 10-day trip to Voyageur’s National Park in Summer 2025. 

Kim attributes Harlow’s confidence directly to her friendship with Erica. 

“School, church classes and church choir have enabled Harlow to make lasting friendships and memories from those building blocks of success with Erica starting seven years ago,” Kim said. “Even the small things Erica does like showing up on time, doing new activities, or just talking with Harlow has been amazing.” 

While watching Harlow grow, Erica says she has also learned so much from their match. Along with having adventures together like sledding, ice skating, or visiting the Minnesota Zoo or Mall of America – places Erica loved to visit when she was Harlow’s age – Erica said that Harlow has also helped teach her many valuable life lessons. 

“I think the biggest lesson she has taught me is that no matter the hand life deals you, there are so many positive things to look forward to,” Erica said. “She is one of my favorite people to spend time with.” 

Their relationship is so important to Erica that Harlow was a junior bridesmaid in Erica’s wedding in 2023, and Erica’s family and coworkers were finally able to meet the Little Sister that Erica talks about so often. 

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