High School Bigs

High School Bigs in the School-Based Program provide friendship, emotional support, and hope to young people with whom they are matched. They meet with their Littles ONLY on school grounds with the exception of agency-sponsored activities. High School Bigs are not allowed to provide transportation to their Littles under any circumstance.


  • Bigs must be a 9th grader or older.
  • Bigs must have a viable means of transportation to/from the school.
  • Make a 12-month commitment after being matched and over the summer staying in contact via phone, mail, email, etc.
  • Attend a volunteer informational session.
  • Complete in-person/Zoom interview.
  • Have parent/guardian permission to participate in the program.

Ready to defend potential?

2. Complete a self-paced information session

A link to the information will be sent to you.

3. Complete An Application

An application will be sent to you.

4. Complete an Interview

The interview can be in-person or virtual, and will be scheduled once your application is received.